Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/229

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Should goal-keeper, point, cover-point and home always retain their positions?—Last season there was considerable controversy on this question, with the view of making it a principle that the above men should “never leave their places.” Young players and new clubs—especially those who never saw the game played, and consequently knew nothing to the contrary—were deluded into the belief that it was correct; and several queries on the subject came to us from different parts of Canada. Otherwise, we would not think it necessary to repudiate a proposition, so patent a mistake to anyone who knows anything of Lacrosse. In the infancy of the game, it is well to definitely settle such issues, however, and we regret that such propositions are made without any previous experiment to justify them. Nothing is easier than to draw up plans for a grand campaign, but the difficulty lies in carrying them out. Nothing is easier than to propose fine theories in Lacrosse; but, like the Fenian projects to take Canada, they look mightier on paper than they turn out in practice.

It is well understood by the best Lacrosse-players everywhere, that no position in the game is, or ever