Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/243

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There are qualifications required of a goal-keeper in an eminent degree, which, owing to the singleness of his responsibility, are as imperative as a strongly woven crosse. If it does not need courage to stand at the flags, and fear no pace of a ball, which would kill a dog if it struck it, tell us what does? What needs more undivided attention, more promptness, self-reliance and coolness, than when your goal is crowded by four or five red skins, and your own men in a desperate attack and defence? Who would change positions with you under such circumstances? If the several men in front of you cannot prevent a shot or tip to goal under such circumstances, how, unerringly certain must be your defence. Not only do you lose the game for your side if you let the ball through, but your reputation, and peace of mind. Any other man may pass muster, but you are a sinner. And bright and soft eyes do not look at you graciously any more—a serious trouble, everybody knows, to young fellows unwed.

But let us smooth the way for your defence of goal. We like to go to the flags with shoes on instead of moccasins, and, if throwing at goal from