Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/262

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should regulate the positions of Point, Cover-point, and any connecting links, as wicket-keeper in cricket regulates the field. His quiet position enables him to see when men leave their places, and when opponents manœuvre in attack. So much ultimately depends upon him, that it is but fair that he should have some power to keep his defence aids in their places to prevent a sudden attack. It is quite common for Point and his links to get out of their places, and for games to be lost because they were too far from goal, and no one but goal-keeper can always see when they are too far out. A wicket-keeper’s tact wins many a wicket, and a goal-keeper’s can save many a hard attack at his flags. If it is necessary to give a man this power—even with a Captain—in a game like Cricket, where the points are comparatively stationary, how much more is it necessary in Lacrosse, where the shifting of one critical point may endanger a game? Goal-keeper, however, must not lose his wits, or, by too much commanding, forget his principal duty.

Difference between Batting and Goat-keeping.—It is a mistake to suppose a good batsman must easily become a good goal-keeper. No doubt he can become