Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/270

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radiate players from them, at different distances,—as seen in the following diagram,—with three or four balls, and give it to goal-keeper hot and heavy. Begin by long shots, closing into the goal gradually, until one ball will be sufficient to keep up a succession of tips and throws, that will make a goal-keeper active on his pins. We have found an hour's such practice more benefit than a month's ordinary play. Goal-keeper turns around and changes position rapidly to meet front and rear balls. They should be thrown from every angle and with diffierent degrees of force. Whenever he stops the ball, he throws it to either front or rear. The throwers take their turn, if they have only one ball.

1 3
G. K.

The ball should be thrown in every possible way. It is excellent practice to have one or two