Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/275

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RULE III.—The Goals.

The Goals may be placed at any distance from each other, and in any position agreeable to the captains of both sides. The top of the flag-poles must be six feet above the ground, including any top ornament, and six feet apart In matches they must be furnished by the challenged party.

RULE IV.—The Goal-Crease.

There shall be a line or crease, to be called the Goal-Crease, drawn in front of each goal, six feet from the flag-poles, within which no opponent must stand unless the ball has passed cover-point.

RULE V.—Umpires.

Sec. 1.—There must be two umpires at each goal, one for each side, who must stand behind the flags when the ball is near or nearing the goal. Unless otherwise agreed upon by the captains, they must not be members of either club engaged in a match; nor shall they be changed during a match except for reasons of illness or injury. They must be thoroughly acquainted with the game, and in every way competent to act. Before a match begins, they shall draw the players up in line, and see that the regulations respecting the crosse, spiked soles, &c., are complied with. They must also see that the regulations are adhered to respecting the ball, goal, goal-crease, &c., and, in deciding any of these points, shall take the opinion of the captains and the referee. They must know, before the commencement of a match, the number of games to be played. They shall have power to decide all disputes, subject to Rule VI., and to suspend, for any time during the match, any player infringing these laws; the game to go on during such suspension.

Sec. 2.—No umpire shall, either directly or indirectly, be interested in any bet upon the result of the match, No person shall be allowed to speak to the umpires, or in any way distract their attention, when the ball is near or nearing their goal.