Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/302

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Sec. 1.—The Association shall hold its Convention annually, on the first Friday in June alternately in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec; the place of meeting to be decided at the close of each convention. The hours of meeting to be decided by the Council.

Sec. 2.—Clubs shall be notified of the time and place of meeting, at least four weeks previously.


Sec. 1.—The delegates from all clubs represented in this Association must annually sign the Constitution, or the resolution continuing in force. Clubs neglecting to do so must send an official request to the Secretary, to be entered on the roll, signed by the Club President and Secretary.

Sec. 2.—No alterations or amendment shall he made in any part of this Constituion, except by two months' notice, and by a three-fourths vote at a convention where two thirds of the clubs on the Association roll are represented.

Sec. 3.—Twenty delegates shall form a quorum at Annual Convention.