Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/5

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Names.   Club. Locality. Representation. 
1 { N. H. Hughes, Montreal Montreal } Facing.
L. Cushing Jr. Montreal Montreal
2 E. Cluff, Ottawa Ottawa Picking up.
3 W. Macfariane Chebucto Halifax Catching.
4 W. D. Otter, Toronto Toronto Flat-catch.
5 W. L. Maltby Montreal Montreal Long-throw.
6 J. R. Middlemiss, Montreal Montreal } Checking
7 { J. B. Hutchison, Crescent Montreal
Alex. M. Davidson, Crescent Montreal } Checking
8 { S. R. MacDonald, Montreal Montreal
R. Tate, Montreal Montreal } Dodging and
9 { E. A. Whitehead, Montreal Montreal Checking.
T. Ralston, St. John St. John, N.B. } Ditto.
10 { J. Watson, Montreal Montreal
F. Dowd, Montreal Montreal
11 A. Grant, Montreal Montreal Throwing.
12 { S. Stephenson, Dominion Montreal } Throwing and
W. G. Beers, Montreal Montreal Goal-keeping.