Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/99

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should be bored and a peg inserted, or what is, perhaps, better, the stick should be so trimmed as to leave a collar at figure 4, where the length stings are to terminate. The netting should be about twenty-nine inches long. About thirteen holes, two and a half inches apart, are now bored for the length and side strings, about a quarter of an inch from the inside of the wood, and exactly in the centre of a shaves surface. These holes should begin about an inch and a half from the tip, and stop at about nine or ten inches from the collar. The stick is then ready for weaving, after seasoning.


Before commencing to weave, decide upon the side of the stick which you will use. Holding it in your right hand, the right side is that which is uppermost when the tip of the curve is to the right. Reverse it, and you bring the tip to the left, and the left side uppermost. There are as many plausible reasons for using the one side as the other. Some maintain that there is less danger of being checked in dodging, and more ease and accuracy in throwing, by using the left side; but on the other hand, as many maintain