Page:Ladies breastknot.pdf/5

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Eight laſſes at the wedding was,
That all for maidens they did paſs,
But ſome I trow they ſup the ſauce,
At ruffling of the breaſt-knot. O, &c.

Their modeſty did them beguile.
For five of eight was got with child,
I think our maids is all run wild,
At dancing of the breaſt-knot O, &c.


THE lowland lads think they are fine,
but O they're vain and idly gaudy;
How much unlike the graceful mien,
and manly looks of my highland laddie?


O my bonny, bonny highland laddie;
My handſome charming highland laddie;
May Heaven ſtill guard and love reward,
The lowland laſs and her highland laddie.

If I were free at will to chuſe,
to be the wealthieſt lowland lady;
I'd take young Donald in his trows,
with bonnet blue and belted plaidie. &c.

The braveſt beau in borrows-town,
in a' his airs, with art made ready,
Compar'd to him, he's but a clown;
he's finer far in his tartan plaidie, &c.