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be any awake there, they'll send to the hotel. Is it a hotel yer faither'll be in?"

"Oh thank you, thank you," said Joy seizing his hand in a burst of gratitude. I'll be for ever grateful to you if you'll be so good!"

"A'm thinkin'" he went on "that perhaps 'twill cost yer ladyship a mickle—perhaps a muckle; but A dar say ye'll no mind that …"

"Oh no, no! It will be pleasure to pay anything. See, I have plenty of money!" She pulled out her purse.

"Na! na! Not yet ma leddie. 'Tis no for masel—unless yer ladyship insists on it, later on. 'Tis for the laddies that will do what they can. Ye see there may be some trouble o'er this. We signal-men and offeecials generally are not supposed to attend to aught outside o' the routine. But if it should be that there is trouble to us puir folk, A'm sure yer ladyship an' some o' yer graan' freens'll no see us wranged!"

"Oh no indeed. My father and Mr. —— and all our friends will see to it that you shall never suffer, no matter what happens."

"Well now, ma leddy—if ye'll joost write down your message A'll do what A can. But 'twill be wiser if ye gang awa intil a hotel an' rest ye. A can send the message better when A'm quit o' ye. Forbye ye see 'tis no quite respectable to hae a bonny lassie here ower lang. Ma wife is apt to be a wee jalous; an' it's no wise to gie cause where nane there is."

"But I do not know where to go—" she began. He interrupted her hastily:

"There's a graan hotel i' the toon—verra fine it is; but A'm thinkin' that yer ladyship, bein' by yer lonesome, may rather care to go to a quieter house. An' as A'd recommend ye to seek the 'Walter Scott' hotel. 'Tis kep by verra decent folk, an' though small is verra respectable an' verra clean. Say that yer kent by Tammas Macpherson