Page:Lady Molly of Scotland Yard.pdf/13

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"He held out his hands for the irons" Frontispiece
Facing page
"'You swear to that, Mr. Lydgate?' asked the Coroner" 18
"The woman gave a shriek which unmistakably was one of fear" 24
"He had been found dead in the garden of his villa" 56
"'Well,' said Lady Molly, '. . what is that you want us to do in the matter?'" 62
"She was ashy-pale, staring straight before her" 100
"'I sent Pegram to her room with orders to break open the locks of her hand-bag and dressing-case'" 106
"Ten minutes later the dainty clouds of lace and chiffon were finally wafted out" 128
"'Not too late, I think,' she whispered hurriedly. 'Break it open, Danvers'" 136
"Confronting the old woman, with a look of hate gleaming in his eyes" 144
"Now we could distinctly see the glimmer of white paper" 164
"'Go and pack your boxes and leave the house this instant'" 224