Page:Laird of Cool's ghost (NLS104186974).pdf/12

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looking after Mrs Sarah Paton, who was at your houſe; and an original emiſſary appointed to wait upon yours.

At this I was much ſurprized, and after a little thinking, I aſked him, and is there really, Cool, an emiſſary from hell, in whatever ſenſe you take it, that attend my family?

Cool. Yes, you may depend upon it.

Ogil. And what do you think is his buſineſs?

Cool. To divert you from your duty, and cauſe you underhand, to do as many ill things as he can, for much depends on having the miniſter on their ſide.

Upon this I was ſtruck with a ſort of terror, which I cannot account for, nor expreſs: in the mean time, he ſaid ſeveral things I did not underſtand; but after a little, I coming to my former preſence of mind, ſaid,

Ogil. But Cool, tell me in earneſt, if there be indeed a devil that attends my family, tho' inviſible to us all.

Cool. Juſt as ſure as you are breathing; but be not ſo much dejected upon this information, for I tell you likewiſe, that there is a good angel that attends you, who is ſtronger than the other.

Ogil. Are you ſure of that Cool?

Cool. Yes; and there is one riding on your right hand, who might as well have been elſewhere, for I meant you no harm.

Ogil. And how long has he been with me?

Cool. Only ſince we paſſed Brand's lee; but now he is gone.

Ogil. We are juſt upon Elenſcleugh, and I deſire to part with you, tho' perbaps I have gained more by our converſation, than I would have done otherwiſe in a twelve-month, I chuſe rather to ſee you another time, when you're at leiſure, and I will it were at as great a diſtance from Innerwick as you can.

Cool. Be it ſo, ſir, but I hope you will be ſo obliging to me next re-encounter, as I have been to you this.

Ogil. I promiſe you I will, in as far as is conſiſtant with my duty to my Lord and Maſter, Chriſt Jeſus; and ſince you have obliged me ſo much by information, I will anſwer all the queſtions you propoſe, as far as is gone.