Page:Laird of Cool's ghost (NLS104186974).pdf/2

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Laird of Cool's Ghoſt.

UPON the third of February, 1724, at ſe(illegible text)o'clock at night, after that I had par(illegible text) with Thurſton, and coming up the bu(illegible text) road, one came up riding after me: u(illegible text) hearing the noiſe of the horſe's feet, I took it (illegible text) be Thurſton; but looking back and ſeeing a horſe of a grey colour, I called, Who's there? The anſwer was, The laird of Cool, be not afr(illegible text).

Looking to him, with the little light the (illegible text)afforded, I took him to be Collector Caſtlel(illegible text) who had a mind to put a trick upon me; and immediately I ſtruck with all my force with my ca(illegible text) thinking I would leave a mark upon him, (illegible text) would make him remember his preſumption: being ſenſible I aimed as well as ever I did in life, yet my cane finding no reſiſtance, but fl(illegible text) out of my hand, to the diſtance of ſixty feet, obſerving it by it's white head, I diſmounted (illegible text) took it up; but had ſome difficulty in mounting again, partly by the ramping horſe, and partly reaſon of a certain fort of trembling through my whole joints; ſomething alſo of anger had ſhare in the confuſion, for he laught when my (illegible text) flew out of my hand. Coming up with him a(illegible text) (who halted all the time I was ſeeking my ſta(illegible text) I aſked him once more who he was? he anſwered The laird of Cool. I enquired firſt, if he was (illegible text) laird of Cool? ſecondly, What brought him there? and thirdly, What was his buſineſs