Page:Lake - Menus Made Easy.djvu/18

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à la Mignonne

is caviar dressed in tomatoes from which the inside is scooped out; it is mixed with the tomato pulp, hard-boiled egg cut in dice, oil and vinegar, and curled fillets of anchovies are laid on the top.

aux crevettes

is caviar spread on buttered toast garnished with prawns.

sur croûtes

is spread on croûtes of fried bread. As Blini au caviar, it is spread on buttered crumpets, well seasoned with lemon juice.


are oysters; they are served in the shells, with lemon, and slices of brown bread and butter. As Huîtres nature, they are laid on slices of lemon, over slices of cucumber, on little squares of anchovy pastry.


sur croûtes

is lax on buttered croûtes.


à la Metropole

are olives stuffed with green butter, set in little moulds of aspic, and served on slices of Bologna or other sausage, garnished with green butter.


are stuffed olives.


is water melon. It is cut in thin slices, and ginger, pepper and sugar should be served with it.


à l'huile

are sardines in oil.

à la Royale

are served on shred celery, seasoned with oil and vinegar, and are garnished with strips of beet-root, gherkins, and white of hard-boiled egg.

aux tomates

are dressed with tomato sauce.