Page:Land Birds of the Pacific District (1890).djvu/16

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of the Fortieth Parallel. Part 3. Ornithology. Prof. Ridgway made observations at Sacramento from June 6th to July 4th, 1867, afterward crossing the Sierra to Truckee Valley, Pyramid Lake, Carson and other localities in western Nevada, where the remainder of 1867 was spent. Observations were continued in western Nevada until July, 1868. Afterward the route from Austin to Salt Lake was explored.

Dr. W. J. Hoffman. Annotated List of the Birds of Nevada, Author's Edition, Vol. 6, U. S. Geological and Geographical Survey. Dr. Hoffman followed the 115th meridian from near northern Nevada, southward to about 37 latitude, thence westward to Owen's Valley, California, and from this point southeast to Fort Mojave, and thence up the Colorado River beyond Nevada.

Baird, Brewer and Ridgway, North American Birds. No doubt the most complete work on North American birds ever published in America. It has also a merit that is getting rarer of late, that of giving credit to whom credit is due.

Bulletin of the Nuttall Club. A quarterly journal of ornithology. The first volume was issued in 1876. It afterward became the Auk.

The Auk, the organ of the American Ornithologists' Union.

In addition to the forenamed authorities, a few items have been culled from other publications. The Proceedings of the Phila. Acad., containing Dr. Gambel's papers, and the Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., containing some of Dr. Cooper's articles, came into my possession too late to benefit much by them.

There being no correspondents in Nevada, I have drawn freely upon the valuable reports and papers of Messrs. Bendire, Henshaw, Ridgway and Hoffman.

By Central California I refer to the part of the State