Page:Land Mollusca of North America (north of Mexico) Vol. I Part 1 277-end.pdf/24

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somewhat, but in one specimen (Station 64) it was smooth. The flagellum is small, or in a specimen from Station 57, wanting. The penis and vagina are longer than in S. papagorum, but of the same type.

Penis 9.5 10 9 9.5 9 7.5 7 mm.

Verge 6 7 8 7.5 6 4 4.5 mm.

Epiphallus 6 8 7.5 .... 7 4 6.5 mm.

Flagellum -1 -1 1 0 1 .... 1 mm.

Vagina 7 11 9.5 .... 6 5 5.5 mm.

Diam. of shell... 27.3 23.5 21 25 21.4 21 19.6 mm.

Station 81 54 64 57 72 79 59

Arizona: Tucson Range (J. H. Ferriss), Type 118070 A.N.S.P. A common species, generally distributed.

Fig. 168. Sonorella sabinoensis tucsonica. Lower ducts of the genitalia, a, No. 118067, station 72. b. S. s. deflecta. No. 118050. station 59. c. S. s. tucsonica. No. 118047, station 54. d, 118063, station 64. e, 118070, station 81. fl. , flagellum. All in the Tucson Range.

The shell is highly variable in size and in degree of depression of the spire. The largest specimens, from Station 81, were found less than half a mile from the smallest measured above, Station 64, in the same valley.

At the north end of the Tucson Range, Stations 72, 73, 79, all of the specimens are small and dark, diameter 20 to 21.5 mm. In the genitalia they do not differ from the smaller examples from " Wild Pig Amphitheatre." Measurements are given above.

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