Page:Land in the ocean.pdf/6

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Bees, on banks of thyme disporting,
Sip the sweets, and hail the dawn

Warbling birds, the day proclaiming,
Carol sweet the lively stain.
They forsake their leafy dwelling,
To secure the golden grain.

See, Content the humble gleaner,
Takes the scatter'd ears that fall;
Nature, all her children viewing,
Kindly bountcous, cares for all.


Yor gentlemen of England,
That live at home at ease,
Ah! little do you think upon
The dangers of the seas.
Give ear unto the mariners,
And they will plainly show,
All the cares and the fears,
When the stormy winds do blow.
When the stormy winds, &c.

If enemies oppose us,

When England is at war,