Page:Landon in Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book 1835.pdf/50

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Go back a century on the town,
    That o'er yon crowded plain,
With wealth its dower, and art its crown,
    Extends its proud domain.
Upon that plain a village stood,
    Lonely, obscure, and poor;
The sullen stream rolled its dull flood
    Amid a barren moor.

Now, mark the hall, the church, the street,
    The buildings of to-day;
Behold the thousands now that meet
    Upon the peopled way.
Go, silent with the sense of power,
    And of the mighty mind
Which thus can animate the hour,
    And leave its works behind.

Go through that city, and behold
    What intellect can yield,
How it brings forth an hundred-fold
    From time's enduring field.
Those walls are filled with wealth, the spoil
    Of industry and thought,
The mighty harvest which man's toil
    Out of the past has wrought.

Science and labour here unite
    The thoughtful and the real,
And here man's strength puts forth its might
    To work out man's ideal.
The useful is the element
    Here laboured by the mind,
Which, on the active present bent,
    Invented and combin'd.