Page:Landon in Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book 1838.pdf/76

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The little sea-port of Kalendria looks, by moonlight, more like the creation of the artist's imagination than the realities of nature. During the friendly silence of the moon, the bold and spiry cliffs, the precipices of shivered slate and fractured limestone, rarely relieved by verdure of any kind, softened by the calm, cold light that falls on each peak, rock, and tower, mercifully shrouds the nakedness and dreariness bared by the fierce and scorching beams of day. At this lone and unfrequented spot, the arrival or departure of a vessel creates an unusual degree of bustle and interest; and if it were not that the couriers for Cyprus from Constantinople embark here, the inhabitants might soon forget that they owed allegiance to the city of the Sultan. This too is the place where, in Tiberius's reign, the progress of the injurious Piso was arrested, after, by his plots and machinations, he had contributed to the death of Germanicus.