Page:Landon in Literary Gazette 1822.pdf/54

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Literary Gazette, 21st September, 1822, Page 601 (cont.)

His so loved Isabel—o'erlooked the place.
There was some gorgeous fête there, for the light
Streamed through the lattices, and a far sound
Of lute, and dance, and song, came echoing.
The wanderer hid his face—but from his brow
His hands fell powerless! Some gathered round
And raised him from the ground: his eyes were closed,
His lip and cheek were colourless;—they told
His heart was broken! - - - -
His Princess never knew an earthly love:
She vowed herself to Heaven, and she died young!
The evening of her death, a strange sweet sound
Of music came, delicious as a dream:
With that her spirit parted from this earth.
Many remembered that it was the hour
Her humble lover perished!L. E. L