Page:Landon in The New Monthly 1835.pdf/5

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Stanzas on the Death of Mrs. Hemans.

A lofty strain of generous thoughts,
    And yet subdued and sweet,—
An angel's song, who sings of earth,
    Whose cares are at his feet.

And yet thy song is sorrowful,
    Its beauty is not bloom;
The hopes of which it breathes, are hopes
    That look beyond the tomb.
Thy song is sorrowful as winds
    That wander o'er the plain,
And ask for summer's vanish'd flowers,
    And ask for them in vain.

Ah! dearly purchased is the gift,
    The gift of song like thine;
A fated doom is hers who stands
    The priestess of the shrine.
The crowd—they only see the crown,
    They only hear the hymn;—
They mark not that the cheek is pale,
    And that the eye is dim.

Wound to a pitch too exquisite,
    The soul's fine chords are wrung;
With misery and melody
    They are too highly strung.
The heart is made too sensitive
    Life's daily pain to bear;
It beats in music, but it beats
    Beneath a deep despair.

It never meets the love it paints,
    The love for which it pines;
Too much of Heaven is in the faith
    That such a heart enshrines.
The meteor-wreath the poet wears
    Must make a lonely lot;
It dazzles, only to divide
    From those who wear it not.

Didst thou not tremble at thy fame,
    And loathe its bitter prize,
While what to others triumph seemed,
    To thee was sacrifice?