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Popular and Standard Works,


Autumn of 1867.

Will Appear


TIMOTHY TITCOMB'S NEW BOOK. Kathrina, her Life and Mine; in a Poem. One vol. 12mo. Price, $1 50; full gilt, $2 50.
The aim of this poem is to illustrate the power of a true woman to ennoble and to elevate man; to reveal to him the true end of life, and to lead him to press after it with the same earnestness and determination which have marked his struggles to realize his dreams of ambition. Although mainly narrative in form, parts of the work are dramatic and lyrical, and, scattered through the poem, are passages unsurpassed for their exquisite and pathetic tenderness.
PAULDING'S (J. K.) WORKS. The Bulls and the Jonathans (uniform with the Literary Life of Paulding). One volume, crown 8vo. Price, $2 50.
DAY, Prof. Henry N. The Art of English Composition. One vol. 12mo. (Uniform with Day's Logic.) Price, $1 50.
The Art of Discourse. A system of Rhetoric adapted for use in Colleges and Academies, and also for private study. One vol. 12mo. (Uniform with Day's Logic.) Price, $1 50.
GUIZOT'S MEDITATIONS ON THE ACTUAL STATE OF CHRISTIANITY and the attacks which are now being made upon it. (Second series.) One vol. 12mo. Price, $1 75.


BEECHER'S (Henry Ward) PRAYERS—Pulpit, Occasional, and Social. One vol. 12mo. Price, $1 75.
All who have ever enjoyed Mr. Beecher's ministrations have been impressed with the ' fact that his prayers are the most earnest, effective, and forcible part of his public exercises. The spirit of deep devotion, of filial affection and childlike trust which breathes through those comprised in this volume, will find a response in thousands of hearts.
QUEENS OF AMERICAN SOCIETY (The). By Mrs. Ellet. With thirteen original steel engravings by Ritchie, Hall and others. One vol. crown 8vo. Price, $2 50.
In this volume Mrs. Ellet gives us sketches of prominent belles and leaders of fashion, from the early days of the Republic to the present time, and hall space is also assigned to the ladies of our own day who have been and are most conspicuous in our first social circles.
⁂ This volume is adorned with original and exquisite steel engravings of portraits of the most distinguished leaders of "the ton" in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, &c.

Any of these books will be sent, post-paid, to any address upon receipt of the price.