Page:Lars Henning Söderhjelm - The Red Insurrection in Finland in 1918 - tr. Annie Ingebord Fausbøll (1920).djvu/105

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"No one must fail or give up! No long negotations with armed perfidious enemies! The victory of the working-men must be a complete victory!

"Peaceful fellow-citizens who do not wish to support the enemies of the working-man have nothing to fear from the revolution. Humble folks in the country and in the cities must not spread such lies as that the working-men wish to get hold of their property. On the contrary, the victory of the working class may also better their position in society. The power of the working-men is a just power, which always tries to prevent unnecessary violence, and to mitigate the sufferings of innocent men and women. But the armed handy-men of the overthrown Senate must be pursued without mercy. Would that those, who have treacherously been tempted, at once throw down their weapons now they have come to recognise that it has been hoped to make them fight against the noble cause of the working People.

"The revolution of the working-men is magnanimous but hard. Hard towards the enemies of the People, but a helpful support to all that are oppressed and suffering.

"Look to the revolutionary power of the working-men with confidence! At the present moment a fight for the power is going on in many parts. But irresistibly it will carry victory to our colours!

"It is our firm conviction that the working-men of our country, the present as well as the coming generations, will truly bless this revolution, which is to take Finland into a new and happier time.

"The Executive Committee of the

Working-men of Finland,

"Eero Haapalainen."

Simultaneously with this, a number of "instructions" were issued with regard to the duty of assisting the Red