Page:Last Cruise of the Spitfire.djvu/145

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"Perhaps I'd better stay down here until he returns," I replied.

"You can do that unless you want to run the risk of sneaking ashore."

"I would like to do that if I can. Where is Captain Hannock?"

"Gone ashore."

"And Lowell?"

"On deck, and Crocker with him. They'd be almost sure to see you."

This was not very encouraging.

"I'll go up and have a peep around. I don't much like the idea of remaining in this close place any longer."

And with this remark I followed Dibble to the trap-door leading from the forecastle pantry.

We were soon in the forecastle, and then the old sailor went out on deck to see if the coast was clear.

He was gone but a few moments.

"It's no use," he whispered hurriedly. "The captain's just come back and is on deck, and Lowell is coming down here! You had better go back for a while."

"But if they find me untied?"

"They won't know but what you untied yourself. Come, hurry up!"