Page:Last Cruise of the Spitfire.djvu/227

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I supposed I could. My words had evidently completely upset Mr. Stillwell.

"Are you ready to go to New York with me?" he asked suddenly.

I thought a moment. What of the examination in the morning?

"I will if you will let me go to the hotel first," was my reply.

"Been putting up at a hotel, have you? Nice way to live on other people's money!"

"Will you let me go?"

"Yes, but not for long."

"Are you going back to-night?"


This was somewhat of a surprise to me. I had thought that he intended to wait until the arrival of Captain Hannock with the news of the loss of the Spitfire.

But his next words solved the problem.

"I shall not be satisfied until I have put you under proper care. You are a dangerous boy to have around."

Now it was perfectly clear. He intended to take me to New York, have me locked up, and then return by the next train to Boston. But for once Mr. Stillwell had missed his calculations.

"What hotel are you stopping at?"