Page:Last Cruise of the Spitfire.djvu/241

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"Well, I will own up that I was here, but I didn't go near the safe."

"So you say. But if you didn't, what were you doing here?"

"Don't answer him, Augustus," put in my uncle sternly. "What right have you to cross-question my son?" he demanded, turning to me.

"If he doesn't answer I may have him arrested," was my firm reply.


"I mean every word I say."

"Have me arrested!" cried Gus, turning pale.


"I—I came to put the office in disorder so that you would catch it, " he faltered. "I tore up some paper and spilt the ink, but I didn't go near the safe."

"It was a mighty small revenge," was my reply.

"I—I know it. But you stole the money," he continued triumphantly.

"I did not; and you will have a job to prove it."

"We'll do it, never fear. Won't we, pop?"

"I think we will, Augustus. But I fear Luke is in a very unhappy frame of mind. He doesn't seem to realize the enormity of his crime."

"He will when he's behind the bars."

"I trust so."