Page:Last Cruise of the Spitfire.djvu/262

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pages Illustrated by A. B. Shute and from Photo* 

graphs $1.25 HERE is told the whole story of McKinley's boyhood days, his life at school and at college, his work as a school teacher, his glorious career in the army, his struggles to obtain a footing as a lawyer, his efforts as a Congressman and a Governor, and lastly his prosperous career as our President, all told in a style particularly adapted to beys and young men. The book is full of interesting anecdotes, all taken from life, showing fully the sincere, honest, painstaking efforts of a life cut all too short. The volume will prove an inspiration to all boys and young men, and should be in every library. For nearly a year Mr. Stratetneyer has been gathering material and giving careful study to the life of the young William, his childhood, his boyhood, and all his inspiring and romantic history. The story was near- ing its end when the awful finale came and tragedy ended the drama of President McKinley's life. New York Journal. VOLUME TWO AMERICAN BOYS' LIFE OF THEODORE ROOSEVELT

pages 12mo Illustrated from Photographs $1.25 

THIS excellent work for young people covers the whole life of our strenuous executive, as school- boy, college student, traveler, author, hunter and ranchman, as assembly- man, as civil service commissioner, as Assistant Secretary of the Navy, as a daring rough rider, as Governor of New York, and lastly as President. Full of stories taken from real life and told in a manner to interest both young and old. We unreservedly recommend Mr. Strate- They are wholesome, accurate as to historical STRATEMEYE meyer's books lor boys. detail*, and always interesting. Boston Times.