Page:Last Cruise of the Spitfire.djvu/76

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His brow contracted when he saw me.

"Why didn't you put on the suit I gave you?" he demanded.

"Because I first wanted to speak to you," I returned. "What have you done with my money?"

"Your money? I haven't seen any money," he returned coolly.

By his manner I could easily tell that his statement was untrue.

"I had four dollars and a half and some letters in my pockets," I went on. "I want them back."

"Why you good-for-nothing landlubber!" he roared. Do you mean to say I'm a thief?"

"Well, where's my money?"

"How do I know? Come, do as I ordered you to."

And he shook his fist at me savagely.

"I want my stuff and I'm going to have it," I went on, as stoutly as I could.

"You're going to obey orders, that's what you're going to do," he cried. "I take no back talk from any one."

"If you don't give up that money I'll have you arrested as a thief the first time I get the chance," was my reply; and I meant just what I said.

"You will, will you?" he roared. "Just wait till I get a rope's end and we'll see who is boss here."