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And, when no Rents come flowing in as faſt,
The Purſe is drain'd to Emptineſs at laſt.
As when a Pool is ſluic'd in all its Sides,
Thro' ev'ry Vent the ſlippʻry Water glides,
No living Streams ſupply the ſwift Decay,
The Source is dry'd, and Riv'lets die away.

Methinks I ſee theſe Silver Friends turn few,
And Halfpence them, as they the Gold, purſue.
Already Crowns to Shillings have giv'n place,
And theſe aſſlume the Guineas ſplendid Grace:
Whilſt one remains, I will not quite deſpair,
Hope after Hope ſhall ſtill relieve my Care.
And when they're ſpent, as dubious of my Doom,
I'll e'en think what's of ev'ry Piece become.
To Men in Health ne'er mind how Time decays,
Nor what conſumes the Treaſure of their Days;
'Till ebbing Life is to the loweſt wrought,
When Forms of Horror riſe in ev'ry Thought,

And in dark Shades Eternity appears,