Page:Later Life (1919).djvu/35

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"Don't you like it? Then give it back at once."

"Why, no, Mummy: I think it awfully jolly to have a photograph of you . . ."

"Of my last mad mood. Now your mother is really going to grow old, my boy. Upon my word, I believe Truitje admires my portrait more than my son does! . . ."

"Oh, ma'am, I think it's splendid!"

"How many did you have done, Mummy?"

"Six. One for Granny, one for Uncle Gerrit, one for Uncle Paul, one for you, one for myself . . ."

"And one for Papa."

"Oh, Papa owns the original!"

"No, give your husband one."

"Henri!" she called.

He came in.

"Here's a portrait of your wife."

"Lovely!" he exclaimed. "That's awfully good! Thanks very much."

"Glad you like it. My husband and my hand-maid are satisfied, at any rate. My son thinks me a bundle of vanity . . . Oh, how glad I am to be back! . . . Here's the ball-dress. We'll put it away to-morrow. I shall never wear the thing again. A dress that cost six hundred francs for one wearing. Now we'll be old again and economical."

They all laughed, including Truitje.

"Oh, how glad I am to be back! . . . My own