Page:Latin for beginners (1911).djvu/323

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aditus, -ūs, m., approach, access; entrance
cīvitās, cīvitātis, f., citizenship; body of citizens, state (city)
inter, prep. with acc., between; among (interstate commerce)
nam, conj., for
obses, obsidis, m. and f., hostage
paulō, adv. (abl. n. of paulus), by a little, somewhat
incolō, incolere, incoluī, ——, transitive, inhabit; intransitive, dwell. Cf. habitō, vīvō
relinquō, relinquere, relīquī, relictus, leave, abandon (relinquish)
statuō, statuere, statuī, statūtus, fix, decide (statute), usually with infin.


aequus, -a, -um, even, level; equal
cohors, cohortis (-ium), f., cohort, a tenth part of a legion, about 360 men
currō, currere, cucurrī, cursus, run (course)
difficultās, -ātis, f., difficulty
fossa, -ae, f., ditch (fosse)
gēns, gentis (-ium), f., race, tribe, nation (Gentile)
negōtium, negōtī, n., business, affair, matter (negotiate)
regiō, -ōnis, f., region, district
rūmor, rūmōris, m., rumor, report. Cf. fāma
simul atque, conj., as soon as
suscipiō, suscipere, suscēpī, susceptus, undertake
trahō, trahere, trāxī, trāctus, drag, draw (ex-tract)
valeō, valēre, valuī, valitūrus, be strong; plūrimum valēre, to be most powerful, have great influence (value). Cf. validus


commeātus, -ūs, m., provisions
lātitūdō, -inis, f., width (latitude)
longitūdō, -inis, f., length (longitude)
magnitūdō, -inis, f., size, magnitude
mercātor, mercātōris, m., trader, merchant
mūnītiō, -ōnis, f., fortification (munition)
spatium, spatī, n., room, space, distance; time
cognōscō, cognōscere, cognōvī, cognitus, learn; in the perfect tenses, know (re-cognize)
cōgō, cōgere, coēgī, coāctus, collect; compel (cogent)
dēfendō, dēfendere, dēfendī, dēfēnsus, defend