Page:Latin for beginners (1911).djvu/412

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Along with this Lesson conduct a brief oral review of the first, second, and third declensions.

§ 260. Pronounce the paradigms for the class when assigning them. Also write on the board the declension of exercitus and drill the class on the pronunciation and accent of the forms.


This Lesson may be simplified by pointing out that the different relations of place are regularly expressed by prepositions with their objects (cf. §§ 263-265), but that names of towns, small islands, domus and rūs omit the preposition (cf. § 266). The only thing that remains to be explained is the use of the locative case (§§ 267, 268). Simple as this whole matter is, you will find it necessary to do a good deal of drilling here.

Vocabulary, p. 294. Explain that propter with the accusative is somewhat more frequently used to express cause than the ablative, especially of a cause lying outside of the person affected.

§271. It will amuse and interest the pupils if you will read to them, in connection with this story, the travesty "Daedalus and Icarus," [Per Wikipedia could be in: The Poems of John Godfrey Saxe (Highgate Edition), Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1881, ?AND/OR? John G. Saxe, Poems (New enlarged edition), Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1849.] in the poems of John G. Saxe.


In connection with this Lesson you should assign for inflection nouns from all five declensions.

§ 273. Pronounce and have the class repeat these paradigms. Be especially careful about the sound of long and short e.

§ 275. Write on the board some simple English sentences which, if rendered into Latin, would illustrate this construction. Pupils will understand time when more readily than time within which.

§ 277. Note the emphasis on mīrum, I.6.