Page:Latin for beginners (1911).djvu/69

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Sing Nom. is, he; ea, she; id, it
Gen. eius, of him or his; eius, of her, her, or hers; eius, of it or its
Dat. , to or for him; , to or for her; , to or for it
Acc. eum, him; eam, her; id, it
Abl. , with, from, etc., him; , with, from, etc., her; , with, from, etc., it
Plur Nom. or iī, eae, ea, they
Gen. eōrum, eārum, eōrum, of them, their
Dat. eīs or iīs, eīs or iīs, eīs or iīs, to or for them
Acc. eōs, eās, ea, them
Abl. eīs or iīs, eīs or iīs, eīs or iīs, with, from, etc., them

116. Comparison between suus and is. We learned above (§ 98. c) that suus is a reflexive possessive. When his, her (poss.), its, their, do not refer to the subject of the sentence, we express his, her, its by eius, the genitive singular of is, ea, id ; and their by the genitive plural, using eōrum to refer to a masculine or neuter antecedent noun and eārum to refer to a feminine one.


Galba calls his (own) son, Galba suum fīlium vocat
Galba calls his son (not his own, but another's), Galba eius fīlium vocat
Julia calls her (own) children, Iūlia suōs līberōs vocat
Julia calls her children (not her own, but another's), Iūlia eius līberōs vocat
The men praise their (own) boys, virī suōs puerōs laudant
The men praise their boys (not their own, but others'), virī eōrum puerōs laudant

First learn the special vocabulary, p. 287.

  1. He praises her, him, it, them.
  2. This cart, that report, these teachers, those women, that abode, these abodes.
  3. That strong garrison, among those weak and sick women, that want of firmness, those frequent plans.
  4. The other woman is calling her chickens (her own).
  5. Another woman is calling her chickens (not her own).
  6. The Gaul praises