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knew who it was that redeemed her, received for answer, Yes, madam, I know very well who it was that redeemed me; it was Pontius Pilate.

A gentleman who had engaged an Irish footman in his service, on telling him that morning and evening prayers were observed in the family, he hoped that would not be any objection to him, he replied, no, sir, but I hope you will consider it in my wages.

An English gentleman observed to Monsieur de Veine, at Boulogne, that there appeared nothing like religion among the French people, he replied, nothing at all. We have no religion amongst us now, but the Convention are about to make one; then we shall do very well.

Dr. Gill once preaching on human inability, a gentleman present was much offended, and took him to task for degrading human nature—The doctor said, pray, sir, what do you think men can contribute to their own conversion? He began to enumerate a variety of particulars. The doctor said. and have you done all this?—Why, no, I can't say that I have yet, but I hope I shall begin soon. If you have had these things in your power, and have not done them, you deserve to be doubly damned.

Mr. Lawrence, who was a sufferer for non-conformity, if he would have consulted with flesh and blood, had eleven arguments against it, viz. a wife and ten children. Being once asked how he meant to maintain them all, he cheerfully re-