Page:Lavine - Recipes Tried and True.djvu/118

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Eight eggs, slightly beaten, one and one-half glasses fine matzo flour, two tablespoonsful potato flour. Knead well and roll into long round strips. Cut these srips into little cubes about half-an-inch thick. Have a pound of honey and a glass of sugar boiling in a largs pot over a gas range. Drop the little cubes, lower the flame, and frequently take up the pan and shake: Then increase the flame and stir constantly with a large spoon until the cubes are brown and dry. Shell and split half a pound of hickory nuts and drop into pan. Stir once or twice. Have a board ready, wet it with cold water, drop the mixture on it, smooth it out into the form of a cake, let stand for about two hours, then cut into size desired.


  • 3 eggs,
  • 1 cup meal,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • 1 cup raisins,
  • 1 cup almonds (chopped),
  • 1 teaspoon powder.

Beat eggs with sugar; add other ingredients and bake in gem pans ¾ hour.


Pulp of baked apple, enough to make a pound; one dessert spoon sugar, whites of four eggs, beaten stiff. Mix all ingredients lightly and quickly; warm a pan, preferably an old porcelain platter, and bake in a moderate oven.