Page:Lavine - Recipes Tried and True.djvu/120

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To remove old tea, coffee, cocoa or chocolate stains, soak in cold water first, then use boiling water.

Cakes will not stick to the tins if placed on a damp cloth when removed from oven.

Rub very little rendered fat over potatoes before baking and they will be free from skin when opened.

When using lemons for any purpose for which the peel will not be required, grate the yellow part of the rind on enough granulated sugar to absorb the oil. Mix grated peel and sugar thoroughly and you will have a splendid lot of flavoring for the cost of the sugar.

Cold water, one tablespoonful of ammonia and soap will take out machine grease when other means would not answer on account of colors running, etc.

A dash of cold water against the face, will awaken a person who has fainted.

Ink spots on floor can be extracted by scouring with sand wet in oil of vitriol and water. When removed, rinse with strong pearl-ash water.

To remove paint from window glass: Rub it well with hot, sharp vinegar.

A stale egg rises in water; a fresh one is heavy and sinks to the bottom.

Cooking under the boiling point after the first ten minutes causes the toughest meat to become tender.

To avoid odor in cooking onions or cabbage, add one-fourth teaspoonful of soda, leave kettle uncovered and change water twice.

In making frozen puddings, fill mold to overflowing and cover with buttered paper, butter side up. At serving-time, wipe mold free from ice and salt and place in a vessel of cold water for one minute.