Page:Lavine - Recipes Tried and True.djvu/41

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Chop cold boiled potatoes into pieces the size of peanut. Season with salt and pepper. For one quart potatoes, melt three tablespoons butter and toss the potatoes into it until they begin to show a little brown. Then add ½ cup cream and place in a very hot oven to brown. Serve in the dish.


  • 4 baked sweet potatoes,
  • Salt, pepper,
  • ¼ cup cream or milk,
  • 1 tablespoon butter,
  • ½ teaspoon sugar.

Scoop out potatoes, add salt, pepper. Cream butter, sugar. Mash and beat until creamy. Return to oven and brown.


From mashed potatoes form little mounds and place in well greased dish, making a hollow in top of each mound into which you place a small piece of butter and break art egg. Then place in the oven and then by the time the potatoes are brown the egg will be cooked.


Grate six large raw potatoes, mix with teaspoon salt, three beaten egg yolks. Add one or two tablespoons flour. Beat the whites stiff and add. Fry the cakes to a light brown in a hot pan with plenty of fat using a spoonful at a time.


Cut potatoes into cubes and boil. Put one layer of buttered bread crumbs on the bottom of a buttered baking dish, then a layer of potatoes. Continue the same, pour white sauce over all. Put a layer of buttered crumbs on top and bake till brown.