Page:Lavine - Recipes Tried and True.djvu/53

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  • Noodles
  • 4 or 5 eggs,
  • ½ cup sugar,
  • ½ cup raisins,
  • 1 cup currants,
  • 1½ cup apples or jelly,
  • ¼ cup grated almonds,
  • Rind of one lemon,
  • Juice of one orange,
  • Nutmeg and cinamon.

Boil noodles in milk or water with a little salt; when done drain. Stir yolks with sugar and add to noodles with all ingredients. Beat whites stiff and add. Bake in moderate oven until done. Serve with any fruit or wine sauce.


Boil one-half cup farina in one quart milk with a small lump of butter and a pinch of salt, until thick, in double boiler. Beat yolks of four eggs with two tablespoons sugar and add this just before taking off the fire, stirring thoroughly, but not boiling any longer. Flavor with vanilla. Beat whites of eggs and add to mixture. Butter pudding dish, put in part of custard, then a layer of stewed or canned peaches, cover with remaining custard and bake.


Peel and slice one quart peaches. Cook with a little sugar until soft. One quart canned peaches may be used instead of the fresh ones. Scald two cups milk, add three egg yolks mixed with ¼ cup sugar and a pinch of salt, and cook over hot water until the mixture coats the spoon. Remove from the fire and add l½ tablespoons gelatine soaked in 2 tablespoons cold water. Cool slightly and add the juice from the peaches. Stir until the mixture begins to thicken and add 3 egg whites, beaten until stiff. Line a large mold with peaches and pour the custard over them. Chill and serve with or without cream.