Page:Lavine - Recipes Tried and True.djvu/60

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  • ½ cup chestnuts,
  • 1½ cups sugar,
  • ¾ cup water,
  • 4 eggs,
  • ½ lb. candied fruit,
  • 1 wine glass sherry,
  • 1 quart whipped cream.

Boil, blanch and put through sieve chestnuts. Boil sugar and water to a syrup; cool, add yolks. Put in double boiler, stirring constantly; cool again, add chestnuts; fruit cut fine, sherry and whipped cream. Fill mold, pack in ice and salt four hours.


One-half cup of lemon juice, one and one-half cups of orange juice. Sweeten to taste and let stand for thirty minutes. Beat one pint of cream very stiff and sweeten to taste with powdered sugar and add three-fourths cup of chopped nuts. Pour juices in mold, then cream and freeze.


Cover the bottom of a square granite pan (select one large enough for the number of people who are to be served) with the following fruits: Strawberries, cherries, orange, banana and a few chopped nuts. Dissolve a package of gelatine in water, sweeten, flavor slightly and pour over the fruit. Stand aside until cool and stiff. Cut into squares and serve on fruit plates with whipped cream.


  • 5 dozen lady fingers,
  • ¼ cup butter,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 4 oranges,
  • 1 lemon,
  • ½ pint cream.

Arrange lady fingers around spring form and three layers deep, with flat side towards the form.

Filling—Cream butter, sugar. Mix with whole beaten eggs, juice of oranges, rind and lemon juice. Pour over cake. Leave in ice-box twenty-four hours. Whip ½ pint cream, sweeten and flavor and pour over cake when ready to serve.