Page:Lavine - Recipes Tried and True.djvu/71

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  • 2 heaping tablespoons baking powder,
  • 1 quart flour,
  • 1 tablespoon butter,
  • Salt.

Sift baking powder with flour, cream butter. Mix well with flour; add salt and enough cold water or milk (about one cup) to roll out easily. Make quickly and biscuits will be light. Roll about ¼ inch thick. Cut with biscuit cutter. Place on buttered pan and bake fifteen to twenty minutes in well heated oven.


  • 1 cake Fleischmann's Yeast,
  • 2 cups milk, scalded and cooled,
  • 1 tablespoonful sugar,
  • 6 cups sifted flour,
  • ½ cup butter,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • 1 egg,
  • 1 cup currants,
  • ½ teaspoonful salt.

Dissolve the yeast and one tablespoonful sugar in lukewarm milk, and add to it three cups of flour to make an ordinary sponge. Beat well. Cover and set aside in a warm place to rise, for about an hour.

When light, add to it the butter and sugar creamed, egg well beaten, the currants, which have previously been floured, and the remainder of the flour, or sufficient to make a moderately soft dough, and salt with the last of the flour.

Knead lightly, or "throw and roll." Place in greased bowl, cover and set aside in a warm place, free from draft, to rise for about two to two and one-half hours. When well risen, turn out on a kneading board and mould into rolls. Place in well-greased pans, cover and let rise again for about one hour, or until double in bulk.

Brush with egg diluted with milk. Bake in a hot oven for about fifteen or twenty minutes. Upon removing from oven sprinkle with powdered sugar.