Page:Lavine - Recipes Tried and True.djvu/80

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  • 2 lbs. pot cheese,
  • 10 eggs,
  • 2 heaping tablespoons, butter,
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla,
  • 2 tablespoons sifted flour,
  • 2 cups sugar,
  • 2 cups rich cream.

Stir butter to a cream; add sugar; add yolks of eight eggs one at a time, and two whole eggs. After beating fifteen minutes, add cheese, vanilla, flour, cream and strain through a fine sieve. Then add beaten whites. Line a large spring form with rich pie crust and' put in above mixture. Bake very slowly in moderate oven at least one hour.


  • 2 oz. butter,
  • 1 oz. ground almonds,
  • 2 oz. sugar,
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla,
  • 1 egg,
  • Chopped almonds,
  • 1 heaping tablespoon cake crumbs,
  • Jelly.

Grease six gems pans and line with crust pastry. Cream butter with sugar; add egg, stir in crumbs, almonds, and vanilla. Half fill each pastry case with mixture, sprinkle over almonds and bake in moderate oven twenty minutes. When cool, put teaspoon jelly on top.


One large cocoanut grated or shredded; then dry in stove (do not allow to brown); whites of five eggs, and one pound of sugar, beaten together in a bowl on the stove until eggs and sugar get warm; take off the stove and beat until it gets cold; then add cocoanut and one teaspoonful of vanilla. Bake in a moderately hot oven on ungreased paper.