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SECT. IV.—Of the Combustion of Oils, Page 425
SECT. V.—Of the Combustion of Alkohol, 433
SECT. VI.—Of the Combustion of Ether, 435
SECT. VII.—Of the Combustion of Hydrogen Gas, and the Formation of Water, 437
SECT. VIII.—Of the Oxydation of Metals, 441
CHAP. IX.—Of Deflagration, 452
CHAP. X.—Of the Instruments necessary for Operating upon Bodies in very high Temperatures, 460
SECT. I.—Of Fusion, ibid.
SECT. II.—Of Furnaces, 460
SECT. III.—Of increasing the Action of Fire, by using Oxygen Gas instead of Atmospheric Air, 474
No. I.—Table for Converting Lines, or Twelfth Parts of an Inch, and Fractions Of Lines, into Decimal Fractions of the Inch, 481
No. II.—Table for Converting the Observed Heighth of Water in the Jars Of the Pneumato-Chemical Apparatus, expressed in Inches and Decimals, into Corresponding Heighths Of Mercury, 482
No. III.—Table for Converting the Ounce Measures used by Dr Priestley into French and English Cubical Inches, 483
No. IV.—Table for Reducing the Degrees Of Reaumeur’s Thermometer into its corresponding Degrees of Fahrenheit’s Scale, 484