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New Library Edition of Henry Kingsley's Novels. Edited by Clement K. Shorter. Well printed (from type specially cast) on good paper, and neatly and handsomely bound. With Frontispieces by eminent Artists. Price 3s. 6d. per volume, cloth gilt.
  1. The Recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn. With a Photogravure Portrait of Henry Kingsley, and a Memoir by Clement K. Shorter. Illustrated by Herbert Railton.
  2. Ravenshoe. With Frontispiece by R. Caton Woodville.
  3. The Hillyars and the Burtons. With a Note on Old Chelsea Church by Clement K. Shorter. Illustrated by Herbert Railton.
  4. Silcote of Silcotes. With Frontispiece by Lancelot Speed.
  5. Stretton. With Frontispiece by George M. Henton.
  6. Austin Elliot, and The Harveys. With Frontispiece by Walter Paget.
  7. Mdlle. Mathilde. With Frontispiece by Holland Tringham.
  8. Old Margaret, and other Stories. With Frontispiece by Robert Sauber.
  9. Valentin, and Number Seventeen. With Frontispiece by R. Caton Woodville.
  10. Oakshott Castle, and The Grange Garden. With Frontispiece by W. H. Overend.
  11. Reginald Hetherege, and Leighton Court. With Frontispiece by Gordon Browne.
  12. The Boy in Grey, and other Stories. With Frontispiece by A. Forestier.

"Henry Kingsley was born to wear the purple of romance.... Where will anyone who is ordinary and sane find better comradeship? Scarcely outside the novels of Walter Scott.... Messrs. Ward, Lock and Co.'s edition of this despotic and satisfying romancer is cheap and well printed, and comfortable to hold. Those who love Kingsley will love him again and better for this edition, and those who have not loved have a joy in store that we envy them."—The National Observer.

"To Mr. Clement Shorter and to the publishers the unreserved thanks of the public are warmly due; there can be no finer mission from the world of fiction to the world of fact than the putting forth of these ennobling novels afresh and in a fitting form."—The Daily Chronicle.

"To renew your acquaintance with Henry Kingsley is for Henry Kingsley to stand forth victorious all along the line. His work, in truth, is moving and entertaining now as it was moving and entertaining thirty odd years ago."—The Pall Mall Gazette.