Page:Lazarus, a tale of the world's great miracle.djvu/331

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and to the question put forth many times, "What hath this Man done?" no answer came.

Then Caiaphas stamped his feet impatiently, and said: "Do ye mock at me; to bid me condemn this Man, and bring no accusation?"

Two wretched men of the lowest type, men who had bought their lives of Caiaphas, as the price of their corruption, came forward and averred: "This fellow said, 'I am able to destroy the Temple of God, and to rebuild it in three days.'"

But no words came from the lips of the Nazarene; only He raised His liquid eyes to the two men in silent wonderment and reproach; and, abashed, they shrank back into a dark niche in the wall. Then Caiaphas, terrified, awed, baffled, came one step forward. "Answerest Thou nothing?" he said. "What is it which these witness against thee?"

Still silence from the Nazarene and a strange hush throughout the crowded room. Then, overcome with a great terror, fearing lest at any moment the crowd itself should be magnetised into obeisance by this strange meekness, the High Priest cried: "I adjure Thee by the living God, that Thou tell us whether Thou be the Christ, the Son of God."

Adjured by His own self to declare Himself; yielding to an appeal that through all ages will be answered, has been answered by the living God, the living God gave answer: "Thou hast said."

Then, half in fury, half in fear, the High Priest tore the clothes from off him, beginning at the throat, as though he stifled. One, two, three, the ephod lay in ribbons round his body. Never before had the High Priest been seen in such a state of