Page:Le Lutrin - An Heroick Poem (1682).djvu/23

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Canto 2
His Daring projects; warlike preparations,
Resolv'd to Attack the World with fresh Invasions!
Nay all my Subjects ripe for Insurrection
Imbibe with eagerness the Dire Infection.
'Twice had I hop'd with flatt'ring Peace to cool
His Martial Ardor; 'twice to shut the School
Of Janus: All in Vain! except I find
More Worlds to satiate his Ambitious Mind!
'Twould tire my feeble feet to trace the way
Where the hard Stages of his Valour lay;
But yet I pleas'd my self with hopes to meet
For my disturbed Soul some safe Retreat:
I fancied that A Church might ease afford,
Where Church-men sleep in Bed, and wake at Board;
But Oh! these Chanters, Chanons make a Pother,
A Dog can't rest, whil'st one worries another:
And which provokes me most to Indignation,
The whole world's set a gog on Reformation.
What Holy Mother Church, Imposing saith,
This Age receives not with Implicit Faith;
Nay Blind Obedience now is styl'd A Vice,
Sawcy Dissenters will be counted wise;
Men now Plead Conscience, make a heavy Din
With Heaven and Hell; of Duty prate, and Sin:
These empty Names have set the World on fire!
Now e're they swallow, they will first enquire;
They'l see a Reason given for Church Commands,
And use their Eyes, e're they bestir their Hands.
Who can Remember, and not sadly grieve,
Those easie dayes when on the Prelates sleeve
The supple Laity had pinn'd their Soul,
Nor Private durst the Publick Faith Controll;
When Canons, Conscience; Rubrick, Reason mated,
And Souls had learn't to bow, and ne're debate it?
