Page:Le Lutrin - An Heroick Poem (1682).djvu/26

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Canto 3.
And objects representing seen from far,
That they did move perswade the Passenger.
Here ominous Birds, here Ravens foreboding fate,
In ruinous Chinks do roost, and keep their state;
Here thirty Winters mur'd in obscure Cell
An Owl secure from hatefull Light did dwell:
This trusty Messenger of Dire mishap
Has the first News of Ill dropt in her lap;
And alwayes ready to proclaim sad Tiding
Waits in these Deserts, Nights approach abiding:
At whose return her Accents rend the Skies,
And fright the Vicinage with black Destinies;
Complaining Progne answers to her Tones,
And mourning Philomel renews her Groans.
To whom Night thus: Come, follow me! The Bird
Obey'd, when first her Mistress voice she heard:
With flight Precipitant, the Pair, out spring
And reach the Town high sayling on the Wing,
Then wafting at one Reach, they proudly Pearch
On highest Pinnacle of the fatal Church!
Night curst her Eyes to see the Camrades march,
For now All three had reacht the Porches Arch;
She saw the Clock-maker, with faithful fingers
A glass of smiling Wine hold, glad, nor lingers:
Here Trusty Mates, A health I here Begin,
They pledg'd him, to their Patron Gilotin:
Oh see (says Night) these Rogues sing Huzza! proud
Of sure success, under my favouring Shroud;
But come! the Traitors soon shall feel our Might,
If I at least be justly styled Night!
This said, she leads into the Sacred Vault,
Into the Vestry flies, there makes an Alt,
And in the Concave of the fatal Pew,
Orders Madge Howlet there to lie Perdue!
