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16 SELECTED LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Reprints from the Bulletin continued ELLIOT SMITH (Professor G.). THE INFLUENCE OF ANCIENT EGYPTIAN CIVILISATION IN THE EAST AND AMERICA, is. net. See also THE EVOLUTION OF THE DRAGON, p 14. THUMB (Professor A., D.Phil.). THE MODERN GREEK AND HIS ANCESTRY, is. net. TOUT (Professor T. F.). A MEDIEVAL BURGLARY, is. net. THE ENGLISH CIVIL SERVICE IN THE FOURTEENTH CENTURY, is. net. - MEDIAEVAL TOWN PLANNING, is. 6d. net. MEDIEVAL AND MODERN WARFARE. [/ the Press. PUBLICATIONS OF THE CHETHAM SOCIETY The Chetham Society, named after Humphrey Chetham (d- 1653), the founder of the Chetham Library in Manchester, was established in 1843 for the publication of historical and literary remains connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. It has issued to its members 189 volumes, including the chartularies of Furness, Whalley and Cockers and Abbeys, The Stanley Papers, Civil War Tracts of Lancashire and Cheshire, The Lancashire Lieutenancy under the Tudors and Stuarts, Lancashire and Cheshire Wills and Inventories, etc. The annual sub- scription is i. Applications for membership, which is open to Libraries, should be made tn THE HON. SECRETARY, C. W. SUTTON, REFERENCE LIBRARY, MANCHESTER. Recent and Forthcoming Volumes THE COUCHER BOOK OF FURNESS ABBEY, Vol. II. Edited by JOHN BROWNBILL, M.A. Part I. (1915), Part II. (1916), Part III. (/ the Press). THE DOMESDAY SURVEY OF CHESHIRE. Edited by Professor JAMES TAIT. 1916. LANCASHIRE QUARTER SESSIONS RECORDS. Vol. I. Edited by Professor JAMES TAIT. 1917. The Manchester University also acts as publishers of the publica- tions of THE MANCHESTER MUSEUM (Complete list on application.) THE MANCHESTER LITERARY AND PHILO- SOPHICAL SOCIETY