Page:Leaves of Knowledge.djvu/132

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Leaves of Knowledge

cord-wood lengths; then is taken, a stick at a time, and chopped into small chips, being then carried to large vats and soaked in chemicals until it forms a pulp that runs over hot rollers, and running over continuous rollers is compressed and dried, bringing it down to fine paper. All this process is accomplished by the finest and most expensive machinery. The paper is then wrapped and baled ready for shipment.

In front of the city, across Gardner Bay, on Whidby Island, is the town of Coupeville, the shipping point for the products of the Island. From here one has a view of the Olympic mountains in the distance.

East of Everett, up the river, is the town of Snohomish, where are large shingle and saw mills.

I now leave this bright and enterprising town and draw my readers' attention to Seattle.