Page:Leaves of Knowledge.djvu/170

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Leaves of Knowledge

berland, where General Braddock and George Washington made their headquarters during the French and Indian war.

Shenandoah Junction was the scene of many skirmishes during the civil war, and brought back to my mind the great war play of "Shenandoah," which I saw so beautifully staged at the Marquam Grand in Portland, Oregon. The next stop was at Harper's Ferry, the most picturesque, beautiful and historic spot in America. Here I got out of the car and put my hand on the monument which brought back that old song to me, "John Brown's body lies a-mouldering in the grave," for he, with his handful of brave followers, shed the first blood, and the monument to him stands on the spot where his improvised "fort" stood forty years ago. The story of the invasion of Harper's Ferry