Page:Leaves of Knowledge.djvu/34

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Leaves of Knowledge

On both sides are the fine residences, beautiful lawns and numerous parks, at only thirty feet above the sea level, while in plain view I can see Mount Hood with its snow-capped peak towering 11,934 feet high, as well as Mount Rainier, 14,532 feet; also Mt. St. Helens, with an elevation of 9,750 feet. Surely such grandeur cannot be found elsewhere, with every variety of climate and every industry at its very doors. It is a day well spent to visit the City Park and Portland Heights, beside a number of street car rides; one being to the Falls of the Willamette at Oregon City, where there is an extensive water power, large saw-mills, and an immense paper mill. Another pleasant car ride was to Vancouver, Washington, the government trading and supply fort for the Northwest. The day I visited Vancouver how I displeased a photograph-